Let's take off together!
Welcome to my new website. This site is all about two of things I am most passionate about-travel and family. Here I hope you will join me in my adventures (and misadventures) as I travel with kids in tow.

My name is Shelly and I am a work from home mom. I didn't always work from home. After college I settled into corporate America, where I declared myself superwoman and soon set out to start a family. For many years after starting my family I rarely traveled at all except an annual business trip to the same city. At first it was because I was too busy with a new baby, then later because I either lacked the time, energy or resources to follow my dreams. And like many dreams they were pushed back into the corner of my mind where they remained as afterthoughts.

After many years in the corporate sector, I left to pursue a passion for others in the nonprofit world. Here I also had an annual business trip except this time it was in a different city every year. It was during this time, my travel dreams reignited. I found myself visiting a new destination longing to spend more time outside of the conference rooms where we met, ate and slept in our hotel rooms. As my daughter got older, I was able to take her on a few of those trips, but we rarely were able to enjoy any type of family outings. I usually left drained and she left with not much more than a souvenier from the hotel gift shop to show her classmates.

Recently my entire philosophy on family travel has changed. You will see that travel to me can be the backyard or to another continent. So depending on if you are a business professional with little free time or planning your next vacation, here you will find tips and trips on how to keep your family and especially your children engaged.

So please sit back and enjoy the ride. This page contains affiliate links.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain
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Things To Do In November

Things To Do In December

  • Apple Picking
  • Movie-How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  • Sight and Sound Theatre-Lancaster, PA
  • Volunteer for a Service Project-Adopt a Family
  • Donate toys to Goodwill​
This Year in Travel
This Month In Travel
Trips so far
Philadephia, PA - Baltimore, MD - Washington D.C. - Chapel Hill, NC - Rehoboth Beach, DE - Outerbanks, N.C. - Backyard Picnic - New Years Staycation - Grandparents
This month we really try to give thanks and show appreciation for accomplishing our goals throughout the year. We do this by reviewing our Gratitude Journal. We keep a gratitude journal throughout the year, but on Thanksgiving each of us takes turns sharing what we are most grateful for. We also spend a lot of time discussing our monthly service project-world hunger. We volunteer at either a Food Bank or kitchen that serves our community. We prepare meals for neighbors that are sheltered in. This is also a great month to donate winter coats and prep your closet for the winter.  We end our month hosting Thanksgiving dinner.
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